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Accessing Government Publications: Law Library Home

How to find and use the bountiful information published by the United States government.

What is that ENORMOUS sign all about?

Questions?  We have answers

Maybe you noticed our new sign?  Monday through Thursdays 10-2, Law Librarians will be sitting at the research desk to help with any research issues you may have. Questions might be complicated, "I need to find the legislative history of NH RSA 632-A:3,"  or, pretty easy, "Does the Law Library have any good study aids for B.A.?"  You're welcome to ask them all.  Of course, if you're off campus, you can chat with a Librarian right on this page under "Ask us - Chat with a Law Librarian."  Either way, we're here for you. 

Law Library Hours and Contacts

Law Library Circulation Desk Phone  603-513-5130

 Law Library Hours 

June and July

Monday-Friday open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.


See also Monthly calendars for more information

Jury Notes - UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law Library Blog

Learn the latest - read the Law Library's blog - Jury Notes!



Quick Links



Find books, ebooks, articles, databases and more.

Library Search - be sure to sign in with your UNH username and password to get access to all Law Library resources including databases and ebooks. Want some tips on how best to use Library Search?  Check out this video to get started.

New Acquisitions

What's new in the Law Library collections?  Check out what we purchased/licensed to help you with your studies/research/scholarship.


Legal and Selected Non-Legal Databases

Having trouble connecting to these databases?  See the Law Library Tech Support page.

Check out UNH Libraries A-Z database list for a full list of non-legal databases

Research Guides

Questions? Ask us!

Ask Us! is a chat service offered by the Law Library for the UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law students, faculty and staff. 

Chat service will not be offered during the summer months.  You can still type a question in the box.  The box will be regularly checked and answered.  You can also email any of the law librarians with your question, and we'll get right on it. 

Mission Statement

The University of New Hampshire School of Law Librarians shall maintain a law library that is a central, active, responsive force in the educational life of the law school by teaching students and patrons to be successful, ethical information seekers; building and facilitating intellectual access to relevant collections vital to the law school’s academic and programmatic mission; delivering information services supporting teaching, research and scholarship; fostering a culture of collaboration within the law school, the university and the legal and law library community; and providing welcoming space conducive to intellectual discovery.