This is a quick and basic guide to legal citation. Please see the many sources linked below for an exhaustive treatment of the intricacies of legal education. Entire books can, and have, been written on the correct use of citation.
Analogy time:
The APA Publication Manual in liberal arts is to The Bluebook in Law School.
You'll be using ALWD in your Legal Research and Writing classes to learn the intricacies of legal citation. ALWD focuses just on U.S. domestic legal sources and the rules are a bit more straightforward. The citations are very similar to The Bluebook so it's a good way to start to get a grip on Legal Citation. Copies of both ALWD and The Bluebook are available at the Circulation Desk. UNH Law Review, IDEA and the UNH Sports Law Review require Bluebook Citation. In addition, The Bluebook provides citation rules for all U.S. materials as well as citations for treaties, UN Documents and even legal materials from other countries.