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Company AnalyticsLaw Firm AnalyticsJudge AnalyticsAttorney AnalyticsCourt Analytics
Drawing on Bloomberg Law’s vast docket database and extensive company information, the Litigation Analytics tool enables users to search across both public and private companies to view:
1: Which law firms are representing a given company in federal litigation
2: Which Attorneys are representing a given company in federal litigation
3: The lawsuits the company has been involved in by case type
4: A jurisdictional breakdown of a company’s federal litigation
5: A company's federal litigation history
1: Law Firm
2: Law Firm Attorney
3: Law Firm Attorney by Case Type
4: Law Firm Attorney by Case Type and Jurisdiction
5: Law Firm Attorney by Case Type, Jurisdiction, and Litigation History
Company Analytics
Company Analytics includes information for over 70,000 public companies and 3.5 million private companies, and allows users to filter out subsidiaries, view company profile information and view organizational hierarchies. Filters such as date, law firm, case type and jurisdiction further allow users to breakdown the data to help them identify insights and visualize legal trends for a given company.
Users can generate reports of company analytic data in PDF, Word, and Excel formats by clicking on the printer icon and selecting the charts and/or data they wish to download.
In addition to search by company, Bloomberg Law’s Litigation Analytics enables users to search across law firms to view:
1. The companies a given law firm has represented in federal litigation
2. The number of appearances by a law firm's attorneys
3. The entirety of a law firm’s federal litigation portfolio by case type
4. A jurisdictional breakdown of a law firm’s federal litigation
5. A law firm’s federal litigation history
Law Firm Analytics includes information for over 7,000 law firms. Filters such as date, company, case type and jurisdiction further allow users to breakdown the data to help them identify insights and visualize legal trends for a given law firm.
1: Client Company
2: Attorney Representing Client
3: Client, Attorney and Case Type
4: Client, Attorney, Case Type and Jurisdiction
5: Client, Attorney, Case Type, Jurisdiction, and Litigation History
Users can generate reports of law firm analytic data in PDF, Word, and Excel formats by clicking on the printer icon and selecting the charts and/or data they want to download.
Bloomberg Law’s Judge Analytics enables users to gain valuable insights on all sitting federal district court judges, including the judge’s career history, most cited opinions and recent news about the judge.
See how a judge rules on motions to dismiss, motions for summary judgment, and motions for class certification. Filters decisions by legal topic and quickly access motion opinions.
See how often a judge is affirmed, reversed or affirmed/reversed in part. Quickly access the judge’s decisions that were appealed and filter those opinions by legal topic.
See how long cases generally take before a judge. Narrow the cases by case type to zero in on the case types relevant to you (e.g., employment law cases)
See what law firms and companies have appeared most frequently before a judge. View the case types most often handled by a judge.
1: Case Type
2: Case Type and Law Firm
3: Case Type, Law Firm, and Attorney
4: Case Type, Law Firm, Attorney, and Client Company
Users can generate reports of the judge analytic data in PDF and Word formats by clicking on the printer icon and selecting the charts and/or data they want to download.
In addition, Bloomberg Law’s Comparative Analytics tool enables users to easily compare a judge’s motion and appeal outcomes and length of case averages to other federal district court judges, as well as with jurisdiction and national averages. Simply click on the "+ Add Comparative Analytics" button and choose the judges or jurisdictions you wish to compare.
Bloomberg Law's Attorney Analytics provides representation information for over 100,000 attorneys at over 775 law firms. The analytics include attorney appearances on behalf of companies listed in Bloomberg's database of over 70,000 public and 3.5 million private companies and are generated from U.S. District Court and Court of Appeals dockets filed between January 1, 2007 and the present. Criminal dockets and prisoner petitions are not included.
1. Select the Attorney tab
2. Enter the desired name into the field
3. Select the desired attorney from the drop-down suggestion(s)
Using Attorney Analytics, users are able to see the companies the attorney has represented in federal court, the types of cases the attorney has litigated, the jurisdictions the attorney has litigated in, and the trend of the attorney’s litigation.
1: Company: View companies represented
2: Case Type: View types of cases ligated (case types are based on nature of suit codes assigned to the docket)
3: Jurisdiction: View litigation by jurisdiction
4: Litigation History: View number of cases by year
Filters, located on the left, include date, company, case type, jurisdiction, and law firm. These further allow users to breakdown the data to help them identify insights and visualize legal trends for the specified attorney.
1: Date Range: Coverage from 2007 to present; includes options of Last 12 Months and 3 or 5 Years
2: Company: Filter to see specific company representation
3: Case Type: Filter to see specific case types (case types are based on nature of suit codes assigned to the docket)
4: Jurisdiction: Filter by federal jurisdiction
5: Law Firms: Filter to view representation by law firm
In addition, users can generate Attorney Analytic reports; downloadable in PDF, Word, and Excel formats by clicking on the printer icon and selecting the charts and/or data they want to download.
Attorney Profile pages provide additional information such as, Contact Information, Career History, News, Education and Board Memberships.
Bloomberg Law’s Court Analytics enables users to gain valuable insights on Federal District Courts, including Motion Outcomes, Appeal Outcomes, Length of Cases, and Appearances & Case Types.
See how a Federal Court has ruled on Motions to Dismiss, Motions for Summary Judgment, and Motions for Class Certification. Filter decisions by Outcomes, Date, Legal Topic, and quickly access motion opinions.
See how often a Federal Court is Affirmed, Reversed or Affirmed/Reversed in Part. Filter decisions by Date, Legal Topic, and quickly access the decisions.
See how long cases generally take before in the selected Federal Court. Narrow by Case Type to zero in on the case types relevant to you (e.g., employment law cases)
See what Case Types, Law Firms, Attorneys, or Companies have appeared most frequently before a Federal Court.