Black's Law Dictionary (11th ed. 2019) defines a tort as 1. A civil wrong, other than breach of contract, for which a remedy may be obtained, usually in the form of damages; a breach of a duty that the law imposes on persons who stand in a particular relation to one another • Tortious conduct is typically one of four types: (1) a culpable or intentional act resulting in harm; (2) an act involving culpable and unlawful conduct causing unintentional harm; (3) a culpable act of inadvertence involving an unreasonable risk of harm; and (4) a nonculpable act resulting in accidental harm for which, because of the hazards involved, the law imposes strict or absolute liability despite the absence of fault.
This guide is designed to provide you with a wide range of resources, from scholarly to study aids. These resources have been chosen to help you study for your first-year Torts class. As you proceed through law school you will likely be exposed to specialized research tools with a focus on a state or specific types of torts, such as toxic torts.
Consider starting by listening to How to Prepare for the Study of Torts Law PodCast by CALI.