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Law Library: Who can use the Law Library?

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Accessing the Law Library

The Law Library is only open to members of the UNH FP Law community, certain other academic users, and guests. Some exceptions for other visitors apply - see below for details.

University of New Hampshire


UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law

Law Faculty, Staff, and Students have access and full library privileges.

UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law Alumni

Alumni may come in and use the library but not borrow materials. The library grants access to any person who attended this law school. This includes those who attended as a semester away from their school and summer IPSI students. Alumni must include their name and year of graduation in the notebook kept behind the Circulation/Reserve Desk. 

Other UNH Campuses (Durham and Manchester)

Students and faculty of the other UNH campuses are welcome to use the Law Library. Each patron must sign in the book at the desk on the "UNH student" page. If the patron wants to check out books and is not in the Law Library system, the patron must contact Kathy Fletcher to activate their ID.

Students from Other Law Schools and Colleges in New Hampshire

Students from other law schools may use the law library if they have a current ID from their law school, a letter of introduction from their librarian or can otherwise prove enrollment at that school. They may use the library study spaces and consult the collection here at the library. They do not have borrowing privileges. Students must sign in the notebook kept at the Circulation/Reserve Desk. 

Students from other New Hampshire Schools and Colleges (NHCUC) have been granted reciprocal privileges to the Law Library.  This means that they can access the library, use the collections on site but may not borrow materials. They must show current school IDs. IDs without a current enrollment date must be accompanied by a letter or some other source proving they are currently enrolled at that school. Students must sign in the notebook kept at the Circulation/Reserve Desk. They may be allowed to enter this one time and asked to get a letter for future library use.

Students from other colleges are expected to conform to UNH Community Standards of Behavior or they will be asked to leave the library. 

All law school IDs will be honored as well as IDs from the following reciprocal schools: Antioch, Coby-Sawyer College, Dartmouth College, Franklin Pierce University, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, New England College, NHTI, Nashua C.C., Lakes Region Community College, Manchester Community College, River Valley Community College, White Mountains Community College, Hellenic American University, Plymouth State University, Rivier University, St. Anselm’s College, Southern NH University and any other New Hampshire Community College


People Studying for the Bar Exam

Bar studiers - UNH FP Law alumni and others who are currently studying to sit for the New Hampshire Bar Exam may access the UNH Law Library until the date of the bar exam.  Bar studiers do not have borrowing privileges.  Those bar studiers who are not UNH FP Law alumni must sign in using the notebook at the Circulation/Reserve Desk. 

NH Bar Members

Members of the bench and active members of the New Hampshire Bar and their law clerks are allowed to use the Law Library from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Attorneys have full access but no borrowing privileges. They must show a current form of ID and sign in using the notebook kept at the Circulation/Reserve Desk.  Please see this announcement for more information. 

Other Users

College and University Faculty

Faculty from other colleges and universities are welcome to use the Law Library by showing a current faculty ID card or letter of introduction from their college or university librarian. Non-UNH faculty do not have borrowing privileges; library materials must be used in the library.  Each faculty member must sign the notebook kept at the Circulation/Reserve desk each day they enter the library. 

Intellectual Property Day Pass

Professionals in Intellectual Property areas who wish to use the Intellectual Property Library, but do not fit one of the membership classes, must make arrangements with Professor Jon Cavicchi, the Intellectual Property Librarian. These patrons do not have borrowing privileges; library materials must be used in the library. They must sign the notebook kept at the Circulation/Reserve desk each day they enter the library. 

Patent Trademark Research Center (PTRC)

Inventors, business people or members of the public needing the services of the Patent Trademark and Research Center for searching help or other reference help must make an appointment with Jon Cavicchi, IP Librarian, and PTRC Liaison.

If you have questions about Law Library access please email Sue Zago or Kathy Fletcher.