Current UNH FP Law students, faculty and staff - Check out the full list of databases at the Law Library's A-Z list, you can also access the UNH Libraries A-Z database list for non-legal databases. These databases are licensed by the Law Library and are governed by the Terms and Conditions of each vendor, the definitions of authorized users and authorized use (see below) as well as the USNH Acceptable Use Policy. Please use these links to access the databases below:
Accessing databases from off-campus is easy.
Use the links from the database page to authenticate into the database.
Second, sign in using your UNH credentials
Let us know if you have problems accessing any of our databases.
Library Search - be sure to sign in with your UNH username and password to get access to all Law Library resources including databases and ebooks. Want some tips on how best to use Library Search? Check out this video to get started.
Remember, thousands and thousands of eBooks are seamlessly integrated into Library Search.
The UNH Law Library search box provides simple, one-stop searching for:
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