Keeping Track - Citation Managers are tools that help you organize footnotes and bibliographies. They allow you to store, edit, and reuse libraries of sources, so you can build a personal reference database. This enables you to see all of your research in one place. Many of them also allow you to share collections and make notes on citations. Several also offer browser extensions allowing you to add citations directly from any web page. These powerful tools can help Law Review editors when checking footnotes. They are also really helpful if you will be including links within the footnote.
Some popular citation managers are:
As a UNH Law student, you also have access to the Lexis and Westlaw drafting tools: Lexis for Microsoft Office and Westlaw's Drafting Assistant.
They all have different strengths and weaknesses as well as unique features. Take a look at these descriptions to choose one that will work best for your situation.
Zotero (free)
Zotero is a free, open source research tool available for Mac, Windows and Linux. There are extensions available for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. There are a number of third party apps for using Zotero on a mobile device. Zotero has a visual interface which helps to manage some of its features and can be customized to generate Bluebook citations. Zotero produces a number of screencast tutorials as well as a quick start guide that can show you how to create and organize collections of citations.
Endnote (cost)
EndNote (Clarivate) is available for Windows or Mac for $249. Student and other discount programs are available, and new users can demo the software for 30 days.
Mendeley (Elsevier) is primarily a citation manager, but it also functions as a PDF reader. It is described as a social/collaborative research tool and users have the ability to make references lists public. Tutorial here:
The Law Library has several copies of "The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation", 20th ed. on Reserve
Here are some additional resources:
Introduction to Basic Legal Citation (Cornell)
Citation Checking Tools and WordProcessing Tools
Westlaw's Drafting Assistant - this software tool from Westlaw is an automated citation checking tool that verifies the status of citations in your legal document or in a citations list that you create manually. The software download is available at - you'll need your Westlaw password (OnePass) to gain access.
Lexis® for Microsoft® Office - Complimentary software that provides seamless access to Lexis Advance research, the open web, and citation tools from within your Microsoft® Word documents.