Lexis Advance has its own platform to provide helpful interactive tutorials on its system. It is called LexisLearn and is a self-enrollment course. You will need to register your Lexis ID first before you can enroll. Then logon to http://www.lexisnexis.com/lawschool to get started.
How to Access Lexis Learn for tutorials on using Lexis Advance effectively. This is a "generic class" and can be used to access the tutorials. It will not be used as part of any graded assignment.
Click Lexis Learn from the menu.
Look for "UNH Law Hybrid JD - Lexis Training Modules"
Click ADD CLASS (top right), and select Professor Zago's name.
Now you're in the class and can see the assigned videos.
If you don't have your Lexis Advance password, please contact Sue Zago at sue.zago@law.unh.edu
Suggested Tutorials
Suggested Tutorials to get you started:
- Introduction to Online Legal Research Systems
- Start Your Research: Keywords Basics
- Start Your Research: Secondary Sources
Note: There are several "assigned" tutorials that will be helpful to you as you gain experience with Lexis. These three provide a solid foundation on which to build your skills.
Accessing the Lexis Learn trainings
Lexis® Learn │ Getting Started
Lexis® Learn is an online learning platform that includes video tutorials on legal research skills. See the attached file for instructions on accessing the Lexis Learn course.