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Resources for UNH Law Faculty : Interlibrary Loan

Describing the services, programs and services to help UNH Law faculty with scholarship.

Interlibrary Loan

Inter-Library Loan Borrowing

If you need materials from another library, contact Kathy Fletcher or use this form. Acquiring a book or article from another library can take anywhere from several days to a month depending on the policies and procedures of the lending library.  Once borrowed, any photocopy becomes the property of the faculty member. Any book borrowed from another library is subject to the lending policies of that library. Some books can be renewed provided the request is made by the library in advance of the due date and the lending library agrees. Otherwise, books borrowed through inter-library loan should be returned to Kathy Fletcher by the due date specified. (More about requesting an ILL)

How Does ILL Work?

Interlibrary loan is a set of cooperative agreements among libraries and library consortia which allows us to borrow needed materials which are not in the UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law collection.   UNH Franklin Pierce School of  Law is a member of the New England Law Library Consortium, the New Hampshire College and University Consortium and OCLC (The "Online Computer Library Center"), a world-wide consortia of over 16,000 libraries "dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world's information and reducing information costs" 

 Interlibrary borrowing is restricted to UNH School of Law students, faculty, and staff.  We cannot borrow materials on behalf of alumni or attorneys.

ILL Policy

Borrowing from other UNH Libraries 

Faculty may borrow books from any UNH Library for a semester at a time.  If you travel to Durham or Manchester and would like  to borrow books, you must present your UNH Franklin Pierce ID at the Circulation Desk in those libraries for processing. Books borrowed from other UNH Libraries which are returned late may be charged a fee for overdue materials. Each library reserves the right to recall materials.  

If you'd like materials from the other UNH Libraries delivered to you, you will need to use Interlibrary Loan. (There are no overdue fees on late ILLs.)

For example, if you found a book using the UNH Search function like this:

You can see that its Location is Dimond Library (in Durham.)  But, if you click the "Request via UNH Law Interlibrary Loan," you will be sent to a form which forwards immediately to Kathy Fletcher. She will order it and let you know it's in your mail box as soon as it arrives.