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Library Student Assistant Handbook: Using the ALMA Circulation System

This guide contains everything you need to know while working at the UNH School of Law Library Circulation Desk

Open the ALMA link on your favorite browser.  Bookmark it.

Checking out books

From the ALMA home screen, under the Fulfillment tab, open “Manage Patron Services”

Screenshot of ALMA screen


From the Patron Identification Screen:

Start typing the patron’s last name. When the patron’s name appears (sometimes this takes a second,) highlight the name and click “Go.”


When the Patron Services record is open, scan the barcode of the item that patron wants to check out.


The items, and their due dates, will appear below:

Always write the due date/time on the slip inside the cover.

Checking Items In

From the ALMA home screen, under the Fulfillment tab, open “Return Items”


Scan the barcode of the item to be checked in

The checked-in items appear below: