There are a variety of technological options to manage and organize your research. Some of them are built into the platform like folders in both Lexis and Westlaw. There are free software and browser plug-in combination solutions such as Zotero. All of them can be helpful but each of them need you to check the information and make sure that the data collected by these services and the resulting citations are accurate. You can't throw away your Bluebook or ALWD Guide yet. This guide is a work in progress but will give you a starting point in learning about these old and new tech tools.
UNH's Dimond Library has put together a great "how to" guide for using Zotero.
Zotero is a free software and browser add-on that helps you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources. This handy tool will create footnotes, endnotes, in-text citations, or bibliographies in imperfect Bluebook format (Bluebook for law review format only). Zotero will not import from Westlaw and Lexis, but records can be created manually. Saves a copy of webpages.
30 Minutes to using Zotero
Unfortunately, Zotero isn't able to scrape Lexis and Westlaw info automatically. You will need to manually input these materials into the Zotero database. You still need to keep in Lexis, Westlaw and BloombergLaw organized. Here are some tools to do so.
Using Folders on Westlaw (pdf)
Using Folders on Lexis (html)
BloombergLaw Workflow Tools (email, save, organize) - (video)