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New Acquisitions 2022/23: About New Acquisitions

A listing of new books, ebooks, media and other materials purchased for the UNH Franklin Pierce Law Library and the UNH Franklin Pierce Intellectual Property Library for the fiscal year of 2022/2023.

About this guide

This New Acquisitions guide was developed to help identify what books and ebooks the Law Library has purchased in the past fiscal year.  We ar continuing to update this with new content.  Please see the monthly tabs at the top of this guide to see the books purchased/received during each month. This list is meant for current awareness, is organized roughly by location, and will be published on a monthly basis.  More sophisticated searching should be done using Library Search.  Please see the guides and videos on this tab for an introduction to using Library Search.  It is our policy to purchase materials in electronic form whenever possible.  You will see many ebooks in this list.  We license these ebooks so that they are accessible to all UNH campus users to access.

All UNH Franklin Pierce Law School students, faculty, and staff are welcome to suggest titles for purchase and addition to the collection. Please use this form to make a suggestion.   

Library Search: Find books, ebooks, articles, databases and more.

Library Search - be sure to sign in with your UNH username and password to get access to all Law Library resources including databases and ebooks. Want some tips on how best to use Library Search?  Check out this video to get started.

A Brief Video on Searching

The Law Library Search Box

The Library Search Box

The Library Search box is a great place to get started in research.  From here, you can find books (print and electronic,) journal articles, DVDs, web resources.  Just type in a few keywords.  Or, if you have a phrase (e.g. "clear and convincing") type it in quotes.

(You can link to the actual library search box by clicking on the picture)

UNH Law Library homepage with search bar circled


Search Results

A search for the phrase "clear and convincing" brought back over 2300 results.  This search presumes an "and" between search terms so, adding MORE words will bring back FEWER results. 

An example search results screen

Filter your results

The filters along the left side of the page allow you to filter for format, availability, date, author, etc.

Filtering is highlighted

Locating Your Item

Clicking on the title of the item brings you to more information -- specifically where the item is located.  This book is in two places, in print in the Law Library's Main Stacks at call #HD 7288.76 .U5 C54 1993  (the first floor) and online.

Law library locations are highlighted

Advanced Searching

Advanced Searching

Advanced searching is useful when you know what you're looking for.

An Advanced Searching Example

Let's imagine you're reading an article, and you see a citation to another article that really interests you. 


A circled citation within a footnote

You can use the Library Search's "Advanced Search" feature to get right to it.



Once in the Advanced Search box, you can search for specific authors and titles.


Advanced Search Box

These search results look promising! 


Highlighted search results screen

Clicking on the article title takes you to the page where you can link to the article from HeinOnline


Article link