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Exam Archive: Home

Old exams provided for practice.


The exams below are divided into two categories: first year exams, and upper level exams. A few points about the exams here:

  1. Not all exams are available! Faculty do not have to release exams to the library, so you may not find an exam here. 
  2. Overall Exams from 2014 to the present are included.  (Exception: Exams for some first year subjects may include older exams - Contracts - Hurn 2013" ; Property - Hurn 2005; and Simon Torts exams)
  3. Some faculty release their exams to students via TWEN or Canvas. 
  4. Past exams may not reflect the style of a current exam. 
  5. The law changes and the focus of courses change as well. Be sure to consult with your TA or professor if you have any questions. 
  6. Academic Success is a great resource for devising strategies for working on exams.