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Education Law: Periodical Articles

Periodical Articles

There are relatively few specialized legal periodicals, listed below, which are devoted solely to education law.

Brigham Young University Journal of Law and Education, vol. 1, 1992; Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal, vol. 2, 1993 to date.
Chronicle of Higher Education
Education and the Law Journal (Canadian)
Education Law Reporter contains several articles in each volume
Journal of College and University Law (National Association of College and University Attorneys)
Journal of Legal Education (AALS)
Journal of Education Finance (ASBO International)
Journal of Law and Education (Jefferson Law Book Co.)
Journal of Legal Studies Education (Florida International University)
Journal of Professional Legal Education (Gaunt)
Law Teacher (Sweet and Maxwell)
School Law Bulletin (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Yearbook on Education Law

However, there are an extraordinary number of articles published every year relating to education law issues listed above which appear in generic legal periodicals. Check the Legal Resource Index on WESTLAW or LEXIS, or the LegalTrac available on QuickClicks for an index approach to a broad array of journals; use Hein Online for any you cannot find full text from Legal Resource Index or LegalTrac or for access to pre-1980 journals; check the full text databases of journals on WESTLAW and LEXIS for the more powerful full text searching of a somewhat smaller number of journals, or check JSTOR under education.