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Jury Notes

The Patent Bar : Frequently Asked Questions Guide

by Jon Cavicchi on 2024-08-15T14:11:47-04:00 in Intellectual Property | 0 Comments


I am happy to share that I have created a Library Guide to provide FAQs and links for anyone interested in learning about everything related to the patent bar.






Review of the Guide by our CAFC Jurist in Residence:

Magnificent contribution to anyone taking the USPTO exam. It will become the leading review course for all exam takers. Thank you for undertaking the monumental task.
  Judge Gajarsa

The Patent Bar can be explored comprehensively by using the tabs at the top of this guide. This is for any student at any level interested in earning a credential that is required by many patent professional positions, especially patent lawyers. Some students come to law school having passed the Patent Bar. Many law students take the exam while in law school. Some take it after law school. Some graduate (LL.M. and M.I.P.) students are lawyers and professionals who come to law school having passed the patent bar in their own country. Students consistently want detail on the process of applying for, studying for and taking the Patent Bar.

The One Click that Saves Hundreds

Many students start research on the Patent Bar by doing a Google search. What you encounter is a spectrum of dozens of sources ranging from official content from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to the many commercial bar preparation sites. There are numerous library guides. Publishers and law firms offer content. What we did is to curate the information. This Guide pulls together what we consider to be the best of the best content to answer frequently asked questions. We encountered several information literacy challenges for you to be aware of. Each source has its own level of authority. Each source is updated at different times and could be out of date. Each source has its own purpose that could be colored by, for example, marketing commercial bar preparation services. Should you trust statistics on sites? Should you trust the opinions and advice?

We hope you find the Guide useful and that it adds value to your searching and information/consumer needs. Please contact Professor Cavicchi with suggestions.

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