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Getting access to the book "Drafting Patent License Agreements"

by Sue Zago on 2024-08-26T12:51:39-04:00 in Intellectual Property, Upper Level Courses | 0 Comments

Do you need to access the textbook: Drafting Patent License Agreements, Dennis O’Reilly and D. Brian Kacedon, Ninth Edition (BNA Books, 2019)?  Good news!  You can access this book from your Bloomberglaw account.  There are a few ways to get to it but here’s the simplest.

 Log into – (after creating your own account with your username and password according to the info I sent to all students – let me know if you are unable to logon).

 In the search box type in the name of the book slowly and the name will pop up underneath the search box – click on the name of the book.  You should have full access.

 Here’s a quick screenshot that might be helpful.  



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