If you're having trouble accessing an e-book, online journal, database, or streaming media from off-campus, please use our form to report an access problem.
Current UNH students, faculty, and staff may access most library resources, including databases, from off-campus:
Once you have logged in, you can access databases and other electronic resources available through the library web site.
Note for existing VPN users: the UNH VPN was updated October 2020. If you have not updated your VPN connection, follow the instructions from UNH Network Operations or refer to the UNH IT Knowledge Base.
It is not usually necessary to use the UNH Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access library resources from off-campus. However, when the usual way to connect is not working you may use the VPN which requires configuration to access library resources. First, install it on your computer:
When Junos Pulse Secure is successfully installed, add the optional configuration:
If you wish to use library resources while connected to the VPN, start Pulse Secure and use the "All Traffic" connection (or the name you used in Step 3, above.)
Contact the law school's Westlaw Representative Holly Rush at holly.rush@tr.com. Students can also contact Westlaw directly at (800) 306-9378 or by email at west.academic@thomson.com.
Contact our LexisNexis representative, steven.albro@lexisnexis.com, or contact LexisNexis customer support at 1-800-45-Lexis at anytime (24/7).
Bloomberg Law
Contact Bloomberg Law customer support at 888-560-2529.
You can check the status of many major campus IT services (such as Box, Canvas, campus wifi, etc.) on the USNH Systems Status page. There is also a log of recent incidents and upcoming maintenance.