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Hybrid JD - Contract: Home

library resources to help understand Contracts

Contract Resources for Hybrid JD Students - Introduction

Welcome to UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law!

This guide is a starting point for library resources on your Contracts course. However, there are many other resources available to you such as talking with your professor, talking to your TA, talking with Academic Success or forming a study group. All of those are excellent resources as well! These library resources will help you maximize your understanding of contracts. For example, maybe your study group would like to play a game while learning contracts - try CALI. Or maybe you want to see how a doctrine works in practice to help you understand - try a treatise on Westlaw or Lexis used by attorneys. 

This guide focuses on the following major areas:

  • Study Guides. These are popular guides available electronically (for Hybrid students) and in print (for Hybrid and Residential students) that are targeted to law students and seek to compliment and clarify the lessons learned in class. 
  • Treatises. Electronic treatises are available on Westlaw, BloombergLaw and LexisNexis. These are targeted at lawyers (not law students) but are great at answering the question "when will I use this?". 
  • Legal Encyclopedias. Concise and footnoted explanations for various topics in contracts. Just like that "other" encyclopedia online, only with strict editorial controls and an exclusive legal focus. 
  • Other. Sometimes great resources don't fit into categories!

Finally, the biggest library resource may not be an electronic book or an online tutorial, but the librarians. Please contact us if you have a question! 

Important Links to Remember for Contracts


Do you have all your passwords registered? Hybrid JD students have the following passwords to register:


Westlaw is one of the largest legal databases in the world. It contains cases, statutes, regulations, and secondary sources. In addition, it contains the Course Management System TWEN that some faculty and student groups at Franklin Pierce use. Codes distributed during orientation. Each code is unique. If you need a code see the "email me" link on the right. 


LexisNexis is another large legal research database that also contains cases, statutes, regulations and secondary sources. Codes distributed in orientation. All Franklin Pierce codes are the same, so if you've missed yours, you can use another to register.  If you need a code see the "email me" link on the right. 


BloombergLaw is (yet!) another large legal research database. Codes are distributed during in orientation, however you can also register without a code as long as you use your Franklin Pierce email address. 

Law Library Director and Professor of Law

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Sue Zago
UNH Law Library
2 White Street
Concord, NH 03301