Includes legal content, company/market information, regulatory materials and news. Practice centers include bankruptcy, business, intellectual property, healthcare, ethics, labor, litigation, and more. Includes material previously on BNA Premier. A personal ID and password is required for access. UNH Law faculty, staff, and students should contact Sue Zago, for assistance with this resource.
CALI Tutorials (Law only, password required)
Includes 800 computer-based tutorials in over 39 different legal subject areas, including professional responsibility, civil procedure, contracts legal research, legal writing and more. Also includes ebooks, minipodcasts (Lawdibles). [Authorization Code required to create account. Ask a Law Librarian for Access Code using Ask Us
A comprehensive tax and accounting research database covering tax and accounting laws and news on the international, federal, state and local levels. Provides access to a variety of primary sources, analysis, journals, news, cases, and rulings. UNH users may create a Checkpoint ID to take advantage of the training offerings; must be done on campus using your UNH email address. This database works best with latest versions of Firefox or Chrome.
Access for UNH and UNH Law current faculty, staff and students. This database access is provided by UNH Libraries.
govinfo provides free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government. Includes access to US Code as well as US Constitution, Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register and more.
A collection of legal periodicals, government documents, historical monographs, international materials, bar journals, and other collections related to law. The collection includes thousands of legal periodicals and begins with the first issue of each journal.
Includes full text (pdf format), retrospective holdings of over 1,400 law reviews and legal journals. Full text searching is available, as well as browse searching by most-cited law journals, core U.S./most cited law journals, American Bar Association journals, international and non-U.S. law journals, and criminal justice journals.
Women and the Law (Peggy) is a collection that brings together books, biographies, and periodicals dedicated to the role of women in society and the law. It provides a convenient platform for users to research the progression of women's roles and rights in society over the past 200 years.
Lex Machina is a legal analytics tool that provides data-driven insights to help legal professionals win cases and business. It uses machine learning, natural language processing, and technology-assisted human review to analyze millions of pages of litigation data. Lex Machina's data is updated every 24 hours.
Available to current law students, faculty and staff only.
LexisNexis (Lexis) is a resource for State and Federal cases, codes, administrative materials, practice materials, news, and a wealth of analytic content such as Matthew Bender titles. This password-accessible resource also provides extensive news coverage, public records, and live online research assistance. Available only for UNHFP Law faculty, staff, and students.
The Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Law is an excellent starting point for research on topics pertaining to international law and the UN. It provides peer-reviewed, brief, authoritative overviews of complex topics, with a bibliography for further investigation.
A vast legal research system that provides access to statutes, case law materials, public records, treatises, news and business information. Includes the KeyCite citation checking and research assistance. A personal ID is required for current UNHFP Law faculty, staff and students.
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Alternate Name(s)
Career Intelligence (Powered by Vault); Top Law Firms; Vault Law Rankings; Legal Practice Area Overviews; Law Firm Profiles; Vault Law
Vault is a career research tool containing more than 80 career guides and employer profiles, continually updated "insider" information on over 3,000 companies and 70 industries including employee surveys on thousands of top employers, a collection of company-specific message boards for employees, and an extensive free job board with thousands of top job openings.
Alternate Name(s)
HeinOnline’s Business and Legal Aspects of Sports and Entertainment
Business and Legal Aspects of Sports and Entertainment
BLASE is edited by Frank Houdek and Ed Edmonds, who both bring decades of work on the literature of sports and entertainment to this enterprise. The foundation of BLASE is the focused topical arrangement created by the editors after their analysis of more than 9,200 periodical articles. The treatment of sports-related material is comprehensive, while the approach to entertainment-related material concentrates on movies, music, television, and theater. Each topic contains a scope note that explains the focus of a given topic and the methodology used by the editors when assigning topics to a particular article. This approach, with some slight modifications, is also used for the material in the remaining fourteen tabs, which cover resources other than scholarly articles. The topic assignment is particularly helpful with the tabs that offer a large selection of books and an extensive bibliography of other relevant publications because it allows users to organize and filter titles by topic in addition to alphabetical or chronological arrangement.
In addition to full-text books and bibliographies with links to WorldCat holdings, the collection also contains federal and state documents, including legislative histories; House and Senate hearings and reports; committee prints; and reports from the Comptroller General, the Congressional Research Service, and the Government Accountability Office. The editors also provide carefully selected lists of court decisions important for researching particular issues in both sports and entertainment. The lists include citations and brief annotations describing the significance of each of the highlighted decisions.
Examples of the many business and legal areas included in the database are antitrust and labor law, athlete and entertainer representation, content regulation, contracts, criminal law, gender and race discrimination, governance, injuries and violence, intellectual property, health and safety issues, and publicity rights. By providing a wide range of materials on these and many other topics, the editors have sought to produce a truly comprehensive treatment of both sports and entertainment.
Additional features include an extensive collection of links to relevant external websites, organized topically; full-text access to the valuable publications of the National Sports Institute of Marquette University; and material pertaining to the Athlete Agents Act organized by annual meetings.
To help researchers understand these rare but always fascinating historical events, HeinOnline now offers a new collection, U.S. Presidential Impeachment. Organized by the four affected presidents, this collection brings together a variety of documents both contemporaneous and asynchronous to each president's impeachment, presenting both a snapshot of the political climate as each impeachment played out and the long view history has taken of each proceeding.